• The Quilters Club Mysteries are a fictional series written by Marjory Sorrell Rockwell.
• Maddy Madison, Lizzie Ridenour, Cookie Bentley, and Bootsie Purdue are the amateur sleuths featured in the Quilters Club books.
• Aggie Tidemore, N’yen Madison, and Sissy Jackson are the precocious youngsters who assist the Quilters Club in solving mysteries.
• For the most part these mysteries involve quilting and quilts.
• These “cozy mysteries” do not contain extreme violence or gore or anti-social themes.
• The Quilters Club books exemplify a theme of friendship, cooperation, goodwill, and positive family values – within an exciting mystery setting.
• The mysteries are centered around the Quilters Club’s hometown, Caruthers Corners, Indiana.
• The history and historical facts in the Quilters Club books and website are a mixture of true facts and occasional fictional embellishment for storytelling purposes.
• This website exists to enhance the experience of readers and to attract potential readers of the Quilters Club books.
• The website’s accompanying photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may feature “like” scenes to those described in the books.
• Some of the photographs are stock photos, publicity photos, public domain photos, or used as a “fair use” application. No violation of copyright claims is intended.
• Our researchers have made every effort to identify owners and copyright holders in order to clear our usages. However, some were impossible to determine. If we have inadvertently used a picture or illustration improperly, please let us know and we will immediately remove/replace the image.
• Illustrations found on this website are used fictitiously. They are not meant to represent the actual places, people or situations depicted in the illustrations.
• The Quilters Club blog is a promotional vehicle used to alert readers and potential readers to future books, plot lines, character development, and storyline details.
• Be notified that all submissions to this blog, letters to the editors, and email communications will be considered the property of this blog and may be published.

This QuiltersClubMysteries.com website and its contents are the property of Absolutely Amazing eBooks and are copyright © 2019 Whiz Bang LLC. The Quilters Club Mysteries and its characters are © 2019 Whiz Bang LLC.

Town History in a Nutshell

Maps of Caruthers Corners
(and Its Environs)